Here are a few photos of a really cool mule deer we mounted recently. 30 inches wide with some awesome brow tines.
It's hard not to love a big old wild mule deer buck. This one came with some character. Bladed out G2s and 5 inch long brow tines, not to mention a 30 inch inside spread!
The thick winter cape on this buck concealed muscle groups and the owner wanted a basic upright left turn shoulder mount giving this buck a relaxed, content look
This large McKenzie deer form fit the buck just right.
Cape before prep. This photo does a great job showing just how wide this buck is
Modeling the face is the most critical part of a mount - Other than quality tanning of the hide for longevity. This is the step that sets some taxidermists above (or below) the rest in terms of quality. Small things make a big difference at this stage
It's all in the eyes!
Paying close attention to reference photos of deer eyes will help make a mount come to life
After about a week of drying the mount will be ready for paint
(see top for completed mount)